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University of Ghent - Learning Materials
Tools: to load simulation click on the arrow at the top right corner and continue
  JAVA required
Introduction: ‚White’ (industrial) biotechnology
  Lecture - part 1 (pdf)
Topic 1 & 2: Process monitoring and data evaluation
  Lecture - part 2 (pdf)
 Topic 3:
(Bio)process simulation
  Lecture - part 3 (pdf)
Topic 4: Industrial fedbatch
  Lecture - part 4 (pdf)
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| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8

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Systemanforderungen - Was brauche ich um das biotechLAB optimal benutzen zu können?
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Wie schreibe ich in einem Excel-Worksheets das Symbol für die spezifische Wachstumsrate µ?